Une journée complète de kayak dans l’archipel des îles Fundy offre une expérience parfaite dans la baie de Fundy. Surveillez la vie marine qui habite cet endroit. Les baleines, les phoques et les aigles sont tous curieux de savoir ce que font les kayakistes. Voyagez entre les îles à la recherche de l’endroit le plus pittoresque pour déjeuner. Continuez d’explorer jusqu’à ce qu’il soit temps de retourner à votre aire de lancement.
- Expérience préalable du kayak recommandée.
- L’âge minimum est de 12 ans.
- Au moins 4 personnes sont nécessaires pour effectuer cette expérience.
Déjeuner local sur l’île Soured fourni par votre guide.
Découvrez les îles en kayak.
Observations possibles de la vie marine.
Rencontrez vos guides sur le site de lancement et préparez-vous (Deer Island, N.-B.).
Pagayez dans les îles Achipelage de Fundy (environ 2,5 heures).
Déjeuner sur une île et explorer les environs (environ 1 heure).
Terminez votre voyage en pagayant jusqu’à la destination d’atterrissage (environ 2 heures).
What's Included
Guide(s) certifié(s) par Paddle Canada
Tous les équipements de kayak nécessaires
Dispositif de flottaison spécifique au kayak
Consignes de sécurité
Mode d’emploi de la pelote 101
Sacs secs (si nécessaire)
Dîner sur l’île
What's not Included
Guide gratuities
Water bottle
HST (15%)
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Red Rock Adventure can create a specific meal plan for individuals with any dietary restrictions.
Just be sure to let us know well before your arrival.
Can you accommodate dietary restrictions?
Guests have the ability to cancel a tour reservation they have made. It is required by Red Rock Adventure that a guest cancel their booking a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours before the departure time, and will cancel the evening before if the trip starts between 8:00am and 12:00pm the next day.
Guests will be given a full refund of their deposit(s) if a tour is cancelled by your lead guide due to weather.
What is the cancellation policy for day trips?
Guests have the ability to cancel a tour reservation they have made.
90 days from departure: No Charge
60 to 89 days from departure: 25% of trip cost45 to 59 days from departure: 50% of trip cost
44 days or less from departure: 100% of trip cost
What is the cancellation policy for multi-day trips?
You will see that different tours or courses have been rated for difficulty. Below are the levels and their descriptions:
Level 1 - Easy
These experiences require little to no physical fitness and are suitable for anyone. Weather can be a factor, but generally doesn't make the tour any more difficult. No previous experience is necessary. You may experience uneven or slippery terrain.
Level 2 - Easy+
These experiences require very minimal physical fitness and can even be completed by people with mobility issues. Little to no previous experience is necessary. Some aspects of the tour may feel challenging, but in general individuals are able to complete the experience. Weather can make these tours slightly more challenging. Terrain is variable and can be a small challenge for some.
Level 3 - Moderate
These experiences begin to challenge individuals. Previous experience is encouraged, but not required. Duration of the trips can change depending on the the fitness levels of the participants. Weather can be a factor in making these tours more challenging. Elevation gains and losses are common. Terrain can be challenging with rocks and roots.
Level 4 - Challenging
These experiences are challenging. Previous experience is strongly encouraged and in some aspects of journeys, it is required. Good physical fitness is required. Weather can definitley play a role in the difficulty of the tour. Elevation gains and losses are common. Terrain can be challenging with rocks and roots. Participant (may) sleep in tents. Participants could be carrying backpacks weighing up to 20-25lbs.
Level 5 - Extreme
These tours are challenging, even for experienced outdoors people. Participants could be carrying backpacks weighing 25+lbs. Participants will be sleeping in tents.
What do the difficulty levels of your tours mean?
Coastal New Brunswick enjoys a mild climate in the summers, with an average daily high in June and early July around 18.5°C (mid-60s°F). In August, the highs can average 26°C (upper-70s°F), while the lows at night average around 13°C (mid-50s°F). As with any coastal region, wind and rain are always a possibility, along with Atlantic fog. Be sure to bring layers for both warmth and protection against rain.
What's the weather like?